Nell and John Wooden Ethics in Leadership Award

The Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership invites you to join us as we honor Justin Rudd with the 2023 Nell and John Wooden Ethics in Leadership Award. Thanks to his hands-on leadership style as Chief Inspiration Officer of Community Action Team (CAT), Justin is seen and felt everywhere in Long Beach – from CAT’s monthly beach clean-ups, to its popular Touch-a-Truck and Turkey Trot events, and the establishment of Rosie’s Dog Beach (and so much more!). Justin’s love of bringing people together through kindness and inclusivity provides opportunities for people of all ages to participate in making Long Beach a better place in which to live, work and play, while also fostering a lifelong commitment to voluntarism. Like Coach Wooden, Justin is the embodiment of the Ukleja Center’s core value of servant leadership. Event proceeds benefit the Ukleja Center's Ethics Across the Curriculum program at CSULB.

Date and Time
Thursday Nov 2, 2023
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM PDT
Thursday, November 2, 2023 from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. (includes reception and dinner program)
The Modern, 2801 E. Spring Street, Long Beach, CA 90806
Complimentary parking is available in the venue's surface lot
Table sponsorships (for table of 10) are available as follows:
Contact Information
Janey Roeder, Director, Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership
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