Exploration Talk - Trapped in Tar: Uncovering LA’s Ancient Plant Life
Exploration Talk
Trapped in Tar: Uncovering LA’s Ancient Plant Life
Rancho Los Alamitos is celebrating plant life this month. In this talk, we wanted to zoom out and learn how our current ecosystem, especially the flora, formed into what it is today. Learn from La Brea Tar Pits and Museum post-doctoral researcher and scientist, Dr. Jessie George, as she details how ancient floras reveal a rich history of climatic and environmental change in Los Angeles and Southern California over the last several millennia. This all leads to the formation of today’s ecosystems.
What did the Los Angeles basin and its ecosystem look like thousands of years ago during the late Pleistocene? And, how do we construct that picture from the fossil record? The La Brea Tar Pits and their researchers have some of those answers. We hope you join us as we uncover the hidden history of Southern California’s ancient plant life and explore how these fossilized clues help us better understand the evolution of our modern ecosystems.
Dr. George recently received her PhD from the Department of Geography at UCLA and has an MSc in Environmental Archaeology from University College London. Her research interests and work in biogeography, paleobotany, and archaeology are focused on the interactions of plant life, climate, and fauna (including humans) across time.
Doors will open at 5:30 pm, and the lecture will start at 6 pm. Details are subject to change.
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 24, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Thursday, April 24, 2025
Doors open at 5:30 pm, Event is from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Rancho Los Alamitos
6400 E. Bixby Hill Road
Long Beach, CA 90805
Enter at the Bixby Hill residential security gate at the intersection of East Anaheim Road and Palo Verde Avenue.
$10 per person, free for RLA members
Contact Information
info@rancholosalamitos.org; phone number: (562) 431-3541
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