DeVry University Long Beach

Schools - Industrial/Technical/TradeLong Beach Young Professionals Group (LBYP)Schools - Universities & Colleges
Please check for updated hours.
Driving Directions:
We are located in Kilroy Airport Center, off of Spring in between Lakewood and Redondo.
About Us
Both DeVry University and its Keller Graduate School of Management have been active contributors to the Long Beach business community for approximately a quarter of a century, graduating technically prepared, savvy professionals in the fields of business, technology and health care. Proud DeVry & Keller graduates can be found at leading companies in the private sector as well as at a variety of public agencies throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties.
DeVry and Keller employ seven full-time and 12 part-time faculty who teach management, justice administration, cyber security programming, networking and communications, engineering technology and other subjects important in our digitally-driven economy.
Chamber member companies and their employees are currently eligible to receive a tuition reduction at DeVry and Keller.
Please contact Dean Laura Knapp at 562-997-5407 for more information or to learn more about our corporate education partnerships. You may also connect directly with Admissions by filling out this form:

Rep/Contact Info

Ms. Laura Knapp
Dean of Campus & University Partnerships
- Phone: (562) 997-5407
- Send an Email
- 3880 Kilroy Airport Way Long Beach CA 90806